Purpose: The Secular Franciscan Order is an official Order within the Catholic Church, established by St. Francis of Assisi himself, early in the thirteenth century. Divine Mercy Fraternity is the local Fraternity, one of many Fraternities world-wide. To become members, the applicants (men, women, single or married) must discern a Vocation and be devout Catholics.
Responsibilities: Ordinarily, we do not live in community; rather we live with our families and perform our jobs out in the world, gathering in fraternities on a regular basis. By profession we promise to follow a Rule of Life approved and confirmed by Pope Paul VI. For more information visit www.dmfofs2.com.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month. Meetings are the second Sunday of each month from 2:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Contact: Joanne Giordano, 772-332-0576, jnursefl@gmail.com
Fred Schaeffer, OFS, Formation Director, 772-410-6237, fredsfo2@gmail.com
FFMR Contact Person for 1-800-Francis Hotline
Click here for information on the Regional Fraternity in Florida
Click here for information on the National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan
Click here for information on the Secular Fraciscan Order USA