Bible Study – Come and See
October 2024 through April 2025
Great news! Begin at the Beginning! This year, Saint Helen’s will host our Bible Study: “Genesis” in English and in Spanish. Saint Helen’s Bible Studies enable men, women, and children to study Sacred Scripture, using “Come and See ~ Catholic Bible Study” books, the Bible, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Responsibilities: Pray to the Holy Spirit, watch a 25 minute video presentation, and then share your answers to some of the home study questions in a small group discussion. Books are available for $25 and scholarships are available. No one is turned away. Everyone is welcome. No previous experience is necessary.
Time Commitment: Each weekly session, from September to April, is about an hour. Participants also spend some time at home, praying, studying, and preparing for next week’s lesson.
Women meet on Thursday mornings from 9:15 until 10:30 am in the Christian Living Center. Home-schooled children could study “Come and See KIDS: In The Beginning” with their mothers. Contact: Laura McGarry, 492-7172,
Men, women, and young adults are invited to the Thursday evening study in the Parish Hall 7:00 — 8:15 pm. Books are available in Spanish and in English. Contact: Laurie Manhardt 321-4034, John McHugh, or Will Heady 321-2812. Spanish-speakers can contact Gloria Rivera 772-778-3506, or Jorge Trujilio 321–7705.
Men’s Morning Bible Study meets Thursday mornings from 6:45 to 7:45 am in the Christian Living Center. Contact: Jim Manhardt, 321-3886,

Charismatic Prayer Group
Purpose: To encourage people to look into and embrace a deeper faith and a lively commitment to living with joy and confidence as a fruit of having experienced the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit awakens graces received in Sacramental Baptism and Confirmation, and brings with it a love of Holy Scripture and prayer, a dynamic desire to cooperate fully with God’s will, and heart of service. The result is that one desires and enjoys praising the Lord in song and glorifying Him in service to others.
Responsibilities: Openness to the Holy Spirit! Willingness to pray for others, musical ability, hospitality (welcome people and serve refreshments), planning for worship, offering short teachings, preparing written cards for mailing, maintaining database, setting up and taking down chairs, tables and sound equipment each week.
Time Commitment: Two hours per week for members, more for musicians (rehearsals, set up and break down). Meets year-round. On the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Thursday of the month meetings are in the Parish Center from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. On the 3rd Thursday of the month there is a Healing Mass in the Church, with Praise and Worship prior to Mass, and healing prayer afterwards.
Contact: Carolyn Dean, 772-567-0682, or Eleanor DiMauro, 772-562-3564. E:
Christ Renews His Parish
Purpose: WELCOME Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) is a spiritual renewal process which calls together the members of the parish – clergy and laity – in order to experience personal conversation and Christian community in the environment of our own parish. In the context of personal rebirth and parish revitalization, it is evangelization, catechesis, spiritual information, sharing, lay ministry, and Christian community- building. CRHP is centered around retreats given BY men and women of the parish FOR men and women of the parish.
Responsibilities: The only requirement to participate in a WELCOME Christ Renews His Parish weekend is to be a registered parishioner of St. Helen Church, with a desire for personal spiritual renewal.
Time Commitment: One Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon weekend renewal retreat.
Contact: Victoria Acker, 516-528-0590,
WELCOME CRHP Continuation Committee:
Summary: Formerly known as the Work of Mary. Its mission is the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer to the Father, “That all may be one.” For more information visit
Responsibilities: Each month a sentence from Scripture with a commentary and guide for Inspiration for daily living is received. Participants share their experiences of how they have lived The Word of Life and the fruits they have received.
Contact: Linda DuBois, 772-205-9036, E:
Men’s Discipleship
Purpose: To further develop the spiritual lives of the men of St. Helen through a deepening of their personal relationship with Jesus, formation of relationships with one another, and training in discipleship. There are three groups which meet, each offering a slightly different opportunity for spiritual development, based on our call to know, love and serve our Lord by knowing, loving and serving one another. Each of the groups is described briefly below.
Responsibilities: Desire for spiritual fellowship, growth, and development.
Time Commitment: One (plus) hours per week and commitment to work on spiritual life.
Tuesday 7:00 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Small group discussion on scripture and Church writings. Contact: Mike Alderman, 772-359-6020,
Wednesday 6:15 a.m. – 7:30 a.m.. Meeting includes DVD presentation and small group discussion. Contact: Randy Brennan, 713-6436,
Purpose: Adoration promotes devotion to Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. The threefold purpose is:
- To provide a fervent response to Christ’s invitation to keep prayerful vigil with Him.
- To deepen the experience of communion with Christ Eucharistic as He continues self-offering.
- To live more consciously and actively the full significance of the Eucharist as the sacrament of charity and unity for the Church and the world.
Time: 24/7 in the Chapel. To sign up in advance or make a weekly commitment: ADORATION
Contact: Edwin Rojas, 772-321-7447, E:
Secular Franciscan Order: Divine Mercy Fraternity
Purpose: The Secular Franciscan Order is an official Order within the Catholic Church, established by St. Francis of Assisi himself, early in the thirteenth century. Divine Mercy Fraternity is the local Fraternity, one of many Fraternities world-wide. To become members, the applicants (men, women, single or married) must discern a Vocation and be devout Catholics.
Responsibilities: Ordinarily, we do not live in community; rather we live with our families and perform our jobs out in the world, gathering in fraternities on a regular basis. By profession we promise to follow a Rule of Life approved and confirmed by Pope Paul VI. For more information visit
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month. Meetings are the second Sunday of each month from 2:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Contact: Joanne Giordano, 772-332-0576,
Fred Schaeffer, OFS, Formation Director, 772-410-6237,
FFMR Contact Person for 1-800-Francis Hotline
Click here for information on the Regional Fraternity in Florida
Click here for information on the National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan
Click here for information on the Secular Fraciscan Order USA
Women Together in Faith
Purpose: Provides enrichment of daily life through a better understanding of scripture.
Responsibilities: Prayer, review of assigned lesson and corresponding biblical readings, followed by group discussions.
Time Commitment: Wednesday mornings after the 8:30 a.m. Mass for one hour (9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.). A minimum of an additional hour between classes will be required to prepare for the next class.
Contact: Diane Hankle, 772-321-3911, E: or Virginia Gallo, 772-559-6936, E: