Baptism Preparation
Purpose: Welcome and assist parents requesting the sacrament of Baptism for their child. Instruct parents and godparents in a deeper understanding of their responsibility for the faith formation of the child and to the church.
Responsibilities: Ability to present instructional sessions, Catechist training provided.
Time Commitment: Two hours per month. First Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m.
Contact: Paige Fies, Director of Religious Education, 772-562-5954, E:
Confirmation Preparation
Purpose: A two year program beginning with students in eighth grade. The Sacrament of Confirmation takes place typically in the spring of ninth grade. The purpose of this preparation is to assist young men and women to come into a deeper understanding of how the Holy Spirit works in their lives, in the life of our church, and how they can interact with the Holy Spirit to lead a life which will draw them into a closer relationship with our Lord Jesus.
Responsibilities: Classroom instruction, retreat day, service projects, and assist with meetings, depending on year of program.
Time Commitment: Depends on level of involvement and year.
Contact: Paige Fies, Director of Religious Education, 772-562-5954, E:
Confirmation Year 1 & 2 Students & Parents
For Students entering 8th grade, (Year 1) you will begin the preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. There will be an informative meeting for both parents and students on Monday, September 9 in the Parish Hall at 6 p.m. BOTH public school students & St. Helen School 8th grade students need to plan on attending this meeting. Classes will begin September 11 for public school students. Please register before September 1st. St. Helen School students will receive their instruction during their school day.
Confirmation Year 2
For Students entering 9th grade, (Year Two) and who have completed the Year One preparation process, there is a information meeting on Tuesday, September 17 in the Parish Hall at 6 p.m. Students will be expected to attend 6 instructional sessions, along with independent projects due by December and a Confirmation Retreat in January, 2020. Class dates are held on Wednesday nights, 6-7:30 p.m. Parish Hall on: Oct 2 & 16, Nov. 6 & 13 and Dec. 4, and, Monday, Dec. 9. (Dec. 9 is Interview Night).
Year Two Confirmation Candidates will choose their Sponsor this year. *A Sponsor must be at least 16 yrs. old, registered and a practicing Catholic who has received all their Sacraments to include Confirmation. A parent cannot be a Sponsor.
Baptism Preparation
Congratulations on the upcoming baptism of your child! This is a very joyous Sacrament for the entire family and confirms your strong commitment to your Catholic faith.
Below are a list of the necessary steps for parents and godparents:
1. Register in the Parish. Parents of the child to be baptized at St. Helen Church must be registered at the Parish. If you are not already registered, please do so as soon as possible. There is a 12 week waiting period if you are newly registered, during that time you will be attending weekend Mass and completing your forms, and attending baptism preparation class. If you are registered at another Catholic Church, we will need a “letter of permission” to baptize from your Pastor.
2. Selecting Godparents. Godparents play a very important role in your child’s spiritual life. They should serve as role models of the Catholic faith. Additionally, they represent the larger Church community. Please use the criteria below when choosing your Godparents:
- A Godfather and Godmother must be one male and one female. We encourage you to select two Catholic Godparents, but only one is required.
- This Godparent MUST be Catholic, registered at a Church and practicing their faith, and have received all their Sacraments to include Confirmation, and, if married, married in the Catholic Church.
- Godparent must be at least 16 yrs. old.
BAPTISM CLASS: A baptism class is required for baptisms at St. Helen. The class is on the first Monday of each month in the St. Patrick room of the CLC (2025 20th Ave.). Class is from 6pm to 7pm.
English baptisms are offered on the first & third Sunday of each month following the 12 noon Mass.
Spanish baptisms are offered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month following the 12 noon Mass.
A certificate will be mailed to you a few weeks after the baptism.
Baptism forms and baptism requirements are available through the Religious Education Office. Please visit the office at 2005 Tallahassee Ave. or call 772-562-5954.
St. Helen Parish Faith Formation
Our Goal
The St. Helen Faith Formation Office seeks to provide to all parishioners the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for their ongoing conversion to Jesus Christ and the Gospel in order to bring about full participation in the life of the Catholic Church. In nurturing all age groups we will foster community among the children, families and the parish community, encouraging all to be good stewards of the gifts God has given them, using these gifts to proclaim, celebrate and serve the Kingdom of God.
Focus: The Office of Faith Formation focuses on the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ and His Church in proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom of God. The Faith Formation Office is responsible for parish-based religious education/catechetical programs. These programs are for all ages – religious education is life-long learning. Catechesis includes sacramental preparation (Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation), religious education programs for K-9, middle & senior high, Youth Ministry, and adult faith formation.
Teaching The Four Pillars of Faith: The catechetical ministry of the Catholic Church has been nurtured and renewed in recent years with the publication of three important Church documents, namely the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the General Directory for Catechesis, and the National Directory for Catechesis. All of these documents remind us that families are the first teachers of their children in the faith and that we as catechists and catechetical leaders are to support them in this vital parent responsibility in every way that we can. It is our privilege to assist you, your child’s primary catechist, with their faith formation.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church provides a systematic presentation of the content of Catholic doctrine that our catechists are to teach based on the four pillars of our faith. These are the Creed, Liturgy and Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer. The Sadlier “We Believe” Program that is used in our primary Faith Formation Program provides a similar four-unit structure to address the four pillars of our faith every year at every grade level. For Adult Faith Formation, FORMED, is accessible to every Parishioner by smart phone and/or our Parish website. FORMED offers new and exciting faith development programs at your fingertips now, ranging from Baptism, Marriage Prep & Enrichment, Symbolon, Catholicism and more. Check our website for more information and to register.
Getting Started
We welcome you to St. Helen Faith Formation! We are happy and privileged to have the opportunity to work with you and your family on your faith journey. Below are links to the materials you will need to both understand the program and integrate it with your own schedule. If you have any questions please call (772-562-5954) or email
Catechists and Volunteers
Essential to the success of the Religious Education program is having a dedicated group of adult and young adult volunteers willing to help and nurture our faith with our youth. Participants have the opportunity for additional and on-going training and education through the Diocese. Please contact Paige Fies, at 772-562-5954 for more information.
Confirmation Sacramental Preparation
Welcome to our Confirmation program! We utilize a program from Ascension Press called “Chosen”. The program is This is Your Catholic Faith was developed with the intention to not only prepare students in 8th & 9th grade to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation but to teach and inspire them to respond to and cooperate with God’s grace in all the circumstances of their daily lives, long after their Confirmation has passed, while allowing parents and sponsors to engage in a process of renewal in their own faith journey. Under the guidelines of the Diocese of Palm Beach, Confirmation is a 2 year. program beginning in 8th grade. Below are all of the forms needed to register. Call the Religious Education office (562-5954) for more information. We look forward to meeting you soon!
The Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation is a two-year program beginning with students in eighth grade. The Sacrament of Confirmation takes place typically in the spring of ninth grade. The purpose of this preparation is to assist young men and women to come into a deeper understanding of how the Holy Spirit works in their lives, in the life of our Church, and how they can interact with the Holy Spirit to lead a life which will draw them into a closer relationship with our Lord Jesus.
Confirmation Year One
Confirmation is a celebration of an individual’s coming to a conscious awareness of the Holy Spirit in their lives and choosing to make a commitment to work with that Spirit as Roman Catholics. It is also the celebration in the life of the community of a new influx of the Holy Spirit, of welcoming that Spirit, and of being open to how that new influx may change the community.
Therefore, St. Helen Parish Confirmation preparation program is designed to help our young people come to a deeper understanding of how the Holy Spirit works in their lives and in the life of the church, and of how they can interact with that Spirit to lead a life that will draw them into a closer relationship with our Lord Jesus.
Registration and Information Year One
Please complete the Confirmation Year One registration and return it to the Religious Education office along with a copy of the candidates Baptism Certificate and $100.00 fee.
We offer secure online credit card payment through Faith Direct. Please use the link below. This link can be used for registration and for online payment with a credit card or debit card.
We offer secure online credit card payment through Faith Direct. Please use the link below. This link can be used for registration and for online payment with a credit card or debit card.
Confirmation Year Two
Program Prerequisites
The following are requirements for participation in the St. Helen Parish Confirmation program.
I. The candidate’s family must be a registered member of St. Helen Parish.
II. The candidate must have reached the eighth grade.
III. The participant is to have already received the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
IV. Each candidate is expected to be involved in regular participation in communal faith experiences as well as Sunday Mass.
V. A willingness to participate in continued shared faith experiences after Confirmation.
VI. Possess a sound developing maturity
VII. Ability to articulate a genuine request to learn about the sacrament.
VIII. Desire to live a Christian life committed to the life and mission of the church community.
IX. Interest in further exploring the Catholic faith.
Confirmation, like all sacraments, is a sign of God’s grace. It is God’s plan to share His divine life in the sacraments. The celebration of Confirmation brings a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, with increases and deepens Baptismal grace, and strengthens the gifts of the Spirit and bonds to the Church.
God has entrusted Confirmation, like all sacraments, to the Church. In this sacrament, God is working to bring candidates closer to His Church.
Jesus said, “Come follow me. Do as I have done.”
St. Helen Parish does not believe that the youth are the future of the Church, rather they are the Church NOW. To begin developing a closer relationship with Christ, today’s youth need to know there is a place for them in Parish Life.
Please review our service guidelines. Our hope is by being exposed to Parish Life, the Confirmation Candidate will begin to realize that they are part of something much bigger than themselves and that they truly can make a difference in the lives of many (and, yes, they may even have fun in the process!).
Please complete the Year Two registration and return it to the Religious Education office along with a $150.00 retreat and robe fee.
We offer secure online credit card payment through Faith Direct. Please use the link below. This link can be used for registration and for online payment with a credit card or debit card.
Choosing a Sponsor
The Sponsor’s role is to “walk and talk” with the candidate through the process of preparation. If the sponsor is to walk, talk, share, and help along the journey, then this person needs to be present in the candidate’s life. It is highly desirable that the sponsor and candidate talk at least once a week, even if it is by phone.
Sponsors are not to be chosen until the second year of the process. During the first year of preparation, the candidate is to reflect upon his/her choice of sponsor and be prepared at the beginning of Year Two to work with the individual.
A further qualification is that the sponsor is a practicing Catholic and one who has celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation. Also, it is recommended that the sponsor be an older person who has some experience with his/her faith and is able to have a clear perspective from which to speak. A Sponsor cannot be a parent. A Sponsor must be a registered, practicing Catholic, and has received all their Sacraments to include Confirmation. If married, a Sponsor must have been married in the Catholic Church.
As we enter Year Two of the Confirmation preparation process, the candidates will work closely with their sponsor to reflect upon the candidates understanding of the teachings of the church, the type of relationship he/she desires with God, and how best to improve that relationship.
Sessions are kept to a minimum this year. The time is designed for the candidate and sponsor to work together in discussion and preparation of the candidates’ readiness to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. Since it is the sponsor who assumes the responsibility of presenting the candidate to the parish and the bishop, we want the sponsor to be as comfortable as possible in this recommendation.
Contact: Paige Fies, Director of Religious Education, 772-562-5954
Diocesan School of Christian Formation
Diocese of Palm Beach
School of Christian Formation
Diocesan Adult School of Christian Formation! –The Diocesan School of Christian Formation is a great way to deepen your knowledge and understanding of our faith, and to be certified, if you wish, as a Catechist! As Catholics, we are all called to jump into being able to explain why we believe in teachings that go against the very culture in which we live. We are a people who believe in Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of God’s will for creation, and we believe that the answers we need to bring our wayward and evil culture back to God are found in the study of our faith and in prayer.
“To do their part, adult Catholics must be mature in faith and well-equipped to share the Gospel, promoting it in every family circle, in every church gathering, in every place of work, and in every public forum.”
Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us: A Pastoral Plan for Adult Faith Formation in the United States, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1999
Cost for the class is $10, cost for the book is usually $10 to $20, registration on the first night of class. If you love your faith, come get to know it better!
- To nourish and challenge Catholics to grow into a deeper understanding of their True Faith.
- To enable participants to bring this enrichment to their families, friends, places of work, and ministry.
- To explore this rich Catholic tradition from our local context as a diverse Church with members of different cultural backgrounds and with varying ministerial needs.
- To situate our experience of Faith, Church, and Ministry in the teachings of Vatican II and the person of Jesus Christ.
Talents Needed: Interest in learning and experiencing the Catholic faith more deeply and widely. We study 12 different areas including History, Scriptures, Sacraments, Liturgy, Ministry, and others. If interested in assisting with instruction we would be glad to review your qualifications.
Time Commitment: Two hours of class time per week for 6 weeks, plus home preparation time, for each course. There are a total of four courses offered during each annual cycle.
When: Monday evenings 7:00-9:00 p.m. Classes begin in August for a six-week stretch, then in October, again 6 weeks; then in January, six weeks, and finally in March, six weeks.
Contacts: Carolyn Dean, phone# 772-567-0682, e-mail:
Marriage Preparation Class
Summary: The Marriage Preparation Class allows couples contemplating marriage an opportunity, in a relaxed atmosphere, to reflect on individual personalities, in response to topics such as the sacrament of matrimony, communication, finances, spirituality, intimacy, and dreams and goals.
Responsibilities: A desire to help young couples develop a strong Christian foundation for marriage, through personal presentations and lecture.
Time Commitment: Two times per year on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Contact: Paul and Patti Burgener, E:, or the Parish office 772-567-5129
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Called by our Baptism to evangelize the world, the RCIA team at St. Helen seeks to welcome, teach, direct and journey with those who hear God’s call to discipleship; guiding them towards a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. If you are curious about the Catholic faith or have not celebrated any or all of the Sacraments, we have a special process designed called the RCIA.
Please visit
What is faith? How does faith grow? What do Catholics believe and why is it different from other faith traditions? Are you someone or do you know someone who….
- Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?
- Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized?
- Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?
Through the RCIA process, we offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of the Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. There are separate sessions for children. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights, and your faith story in a warm accepting setting. For more information call the Religious Education Office at 722-562-5954.
“Called by our Baptism to evangelize the world, the RCIA team at St. Helen seeks to welcome, teach, direct and journey with those who hear God’s call to discipleship, guiding them towards a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. If you are curious about the Catholic faith or have not celebrated any or all of the Sacraments, we have a special process called RCIA.
The process of Christian Initiation is for adults who:
- Want to learn more about the Catholic Church.
- Are unbaptized and want to become Catholic Christians through the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
- Attend Catholic Church because of a loved one or spouse and are not sure if the Catholic Church is for them – but are willing to ask questions.
The RCIA is the process by which men and women become members of the Catholic Church. Because the process is ongoing, people begin whenever they respond to the call of God. There is no formatted “start” to the process.
God calls and we respond. With the process of Christian Initiation, men and women at all stages of the faith journey come together in a non-threatening and non-pressured atmosphere to learn more about the Catholic Church.
The RCIA provides a forum for shared spiritual growth, and a means to explore the Catholic Christian tradition through the scripture, sacraments, church teachings, and social outreach, all in the midst of the Catholic faith community.
The RCIA takes place within the context of the parish community, after a suitable period of formation, and culminates in the reception of the Sacrament of Initiation.
Formation includes several areas:
- Scripture: The stories of God’s people
- Teaching: What Catholics believe
- Prayer: How we communicate with God
- Liturgy: How the community worships
- Mission: How we live out what we believe
Terms used in the RCIA:
Catechumenate: The process of formation leading to entrance into the church.
Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
Catechumen: an unbaptized person who seeks entrance to the church.
Candidate: a person baptized in another Christian faith tradition who seeks membership in the Catholic Church.
If you are interested in RCIA or have questions regarding RCIA please contact the Religious Education Office 772-562-5954.
Don Bosco Summer Camp
Purpose: Summer camp experience that includes a spirit of faith, family, and fun for children between the ages of 6 and 14 years. We are proud to offer an experience, named after the patron saint of young people, St. John Bosco, where kids can feel welcomed, make friends, and grow in their understanding of the Catholic faith. Don Bosco knew that the most valuable and vulnerable portion of society is its young people. It is our goal to provide a safe environment which will include activities such as sports, dancing, arts and crafts, board games, field trips, swimming, faith formation, Mass, Confession, adoration, Rosary, and much more.
Responsibility: Volunteers/assistants will need to have a love for God, the Catholic Faith and the young, and working with kids in a manner that is creative, collaborative, enthusiastic, and able to evangelize children in the faith. Training and background screening required and provided. See page 13 for “Protecting God’s Children” certification.
Contact: Lupe Alcala-Garcia, Director of Youth Minstry, 772-494-9837,

Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC)
Summary: This class is designed for the child above second grade level who has not yet received Sacraments: Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist. In addition to his or her Sacramental preparation, students are given a foundational catechesis that will assist parents in the task of instructing their children in the beliefs, values and practices of the Catholic faith. Children are taught the importance of being a follower of Jesus along with the key concepts of God, the Commandments, the Sacraments, the Works of Mercy, the Blessed Mother, the Saints, Catholic prayers and the church in a manner appropriate to their level of understanding.
Responsibilities: Instruct children, Catechist Certification (training provided), Diocesan Protecting God’s Children Certification.
Time Commitment: Two hours per week on Sunday mornings 8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m., September – November and January – April. Additional time for rehearsals for receiving the sacraments.
Contact: Paige Fies, Director of Religious Education, 772-562-5954, E: