Purpose: Our parish youth ministry is inspired by Gospel values as proclaimed by Jesus Christ and taught to us in the Catholic Church. We are proud to offer an experience to young people, inspired by the patron saint of the youth St. John Bosco, where kids can feel welcomed, make friends, grow in their understanding of the Catholic faith, and develop their understanding of life and the role they have in it as responsible individuals. Our two-part goal is quite simple: to be good Catholics and honest citizens.
Events and Activities: Regular youth nights featuring games, projects, and faith formation. There are also opportunities for small group discussion, Bible study, field trips, service opportunities, and retreats.
Time Commitment: Middle school and high-school students are invited to join us Wednesdays and Sundays. Wednesday: open gym night in the parish hall from 6-8pm. Sunday: gather at the 5pm Sunday Mass followed by youth activities in the parish hall till 8pm.
Facebook: St.HelenYouthMinistry
Instagram: shvbyouth
Group Me texting group – ask to join!
Adult and young adult volunteers are needed for a variety of different roles and time commitments (mentoring, event set up, etc.). Please contact us to discuss how your time and talents may be used to glorify God through the youth ministry.
Contact: Lupe Garcia, 772-494-9837,