Purpose: The Knights of Columbus is the oldest and largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world. We, heirs to that great legacy, are pledged to help each other, our parish, and the greater community. All Catholic men 18 and older are invited to join.
What We Do: We are committed to the mission of Christ here on earth in solidarity with our clergy and the Catholic Church. In addition to many family & youth-oriented activities, we offer spiritual & fraternal programs to help members & parishioners lead more virtuous, faith-filled lives. Every year, we also donate thousands of dollars to charity. Our many fundraisers will provide you wonderful opportunities to meet like-minded men and become more deeply involved in parish life. We also meet at Msgr. Irvine Nugent Hall on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from September to May to conduct business and for food/drink & camaraderie – and we’d love you to be with us!
Contacts: Bill Wetzel, 321-615-7684, wetz@reagan.com – or – Michael Glatz, 772-538-1811, chefmichael@coffeehouse1420.com