Council of Catholic Women
Summary: St. Helen CCW supports, educates, and empowers all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. Our programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world. St. Helen CCW is an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women, the Florida CCW, and the Palm Beach Diocesan CCW.
Events & Activities: St. Helen CCW serves and supports our community in various ways throughout the year. We raise money and have fun doing it! Our fundraising events include the Fall and Spring Card Parties, a Spring Fashion Show, and Chocolate Sunday. Our donations and fundraising funds have benefited the Angel / Back to Basics Program, Samaritan Center for Homeless Families, A Caring Center for Women, St. Helen Fall Festival, St. Helen Catholic School (Adopt a Class and Scholarship Fund), Outreach, Youth on a Mission, and St. Helen Don Bosco Summer Camp, just to name a few. We also meet annually with our legislators during Catholic Days a the Capitol.
Time Commitment: We promote a variety of programs and projects, enabling each member to lead or participate as little or as much as she chooses.
Meetings: St. Helen CCW meets the first or second Tuesday of the month from September – May at 9:30 a.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall (923 19th Place, Vero Beach. Check the bulletin or newsletter for meeting specifics.
Contact: Janet Fraley (President), 772-713-3248, E: or

President: Janet Fraley
Vice President: Angela Gilotti
Treasurer: Ellen Elia
Recording Secretary: Kathi Inzano
Corresponding Secretary: Pat Smith
Spirituality: Shawn Wise
Leadership: Pat DiGeorge
Service: Eileen Wetzel
Parliamentarian: Kathy Morisette
Legislation / Respect Life: Susan Baldwin
Historian: Vita Rokaw
Deanery: Jacki Cammarene
Purpose: Provide a friendly & warm greeting to all Parishioners.
Responsibilities: Welcome everyone with a smile and open the Church door for them.
Time Commitment: 15 minutes at the Mass you regularly attend.
Contact: Edwin Rojas at 772-321-7447, E:
Hospitality Ministry
We are currently looking for someone to lead this ministry. We are open to new ideas. Please contact Deacon Dave at the parish office 567-5129, if you feel like you could help.
Purpose: Provides light refreshments after the 8:45 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses September through May.
Responsibilities: Set up and break down hospitality station. Have a friendly and outgoing personality and ability to greet parishioners. Make coffee and pick up pastries. Time commitment is 5 hours on Sunday morning with alternating teams.
Knights of Columbus: Fourth Degree – Fr. Charles D. Brady Assembly
Purpose: This Assembly is composed of 4th Degree Knights from St. Helen and Holy Cross Churches. We promote patriotism and dedication to our nation’s ideals and we share with all Knights the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. Membership is open to all 3rd Degree Knights in good standing.
Responsibilities: Our members promise to uphold those whose duty it is to administer the law; to defend the flag of our country, and the principles for which it stands, to maintain unity, and to practice the virtues of charity and brotherly love. We also encourage these ideals within the parish school and local community and we donate money to worthy organizations. Our Color Corps performs ceremonial duties at church events and at funerals for deceased Knights.
Time Commitment: We gather for a brief business meeting on the last Thursday of each month at 11:45 a.m. at Msgr. Nugent Hall. This is followed by lunch and a social hour. We work closely with various veteran organizations in IRC, while additional time is given to support fundraisers and special events as needed.
Contact: Ron Hunkapiller, Faithful Navigator, 914-536-0248, E:

Knights of Columbus: Mother of Perpetual Help / Council 5629
Purpose: The Knights of Columbus is the oldest and largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world. We, heirs to that great legacy, are pledged to help each other, our parish, and the greater community. All Catholic men 18 and older are invited to join.
What We Do: We are committed to the mission of Christ here on earth in solidarity with our clergy and the Catholic Church. In addition to many family & youth-oriented activities, we offer spiritual & fraternal programs to help members & parishioners lead more virtuous, faith-filled lives. Every year, we also donate thousands of dollars to charity. Our many fundraisers will provide you wonderful opportunities to meet like-minded men and become more deeply involved in parish life. We also meet at Msgr. Irvine Nugent Hall on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from September to May to conduct business and for food/drink & camaraderie – and we’d love you to be with us!
Contacts: Bill Wetzel, 321-615-7684, – or – Michael Glatz, 772-538-1811,

Ladybug Boutique
Purpose: Members meet as a craft group to make items to sell in support of St. Helen Catholic School.
Responsibilities: Sewing, painting, knitting, quilting and crafts.
Time Commitment: Ladybugs meet year round (except in December) on Wednesday mornings from 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. in the Cottage. We host a booth at the Harvest Festival and have sales throughout the year. There is no mandatory commitment, come when you want.
Contact: Karen Egan, 772-567-5660, E: or Phyllis Gardiner, 772-643-6676, E:

Marriage, Family and Relationship Ministry
Purpose: To support family life by offering educational, enrichment, and support for marriages and families directly through parish-based programs and opportunities offered through the Diocese of Palm Beach. Relationship skills training for married and single individuals through fun and engaging events in large and small group settings.
Responsibilities: Volunteer
Time Commitment: Ability to work on various programs throughout the year with other active couples. Commitment can be limited based upon couple availability.
Contact: Paul and Patti Burgener, 912-660-6663,

Mom’s Group – Daughters of Mary
Purpose: To strengthen the domestic church, by providing Catholic women with a strong support system of Catholic mothers who share a drive to raise their family according to Sacred Scripture, Apostolic Tradition, and the Church’s Magisterium.
Responsibilities: We will discuss topics such as growth in the interior life, devotions and feast days, and liturgical living in the home. We will join in fellowship for prayer, group adoration, and confession. Playdates for moms and their kids will be available.
Events: Friday evenings at 6:00 p.m.
Contact: Lauryn Hamelin, 772-643-0534,

Walk With Jesus
Purpose: Members meet weekly each Saturday at 8 a.m. for a fun spiritual exercise. We walk Veteran’s Island and the Riverside Park Trail. During our walk. We stop for a few minutes and listen to Catholic Daily Reflections.
Responsibilities: We walk approximately 3.5 miles total.
Time Commitment: Our walk takes us approximately an hour and fifteen minutes. There is no commitment; come when you can.
Contact: Pat DiGeorge, 770-605-5725,
Young Adult Ministry
Purpose: We welcome young adults, ages 18-39, Catholic or curious, who are seeking authentic community, real conversations, shared adventures, and encouragement through the journey of being a Christ-follower in today’s world.
Events & Activities: Join other young adults from around the diocese for various fellowship, service, and spiritual formation opportunities. We often meet for meals and activities in the local community. We also help to organize trips to larger events and retreats. There is the opportunity to join our youth ministry team and serve as a “big brother or sister” to the teens in middle and high school.
To learn more and get involved, please click here (please hyperlink the words “click here” to:
Time Commitment: We host a weekly Bible study and aim for at least one large social event a month.
Contact: Lupe Alcala, (561) 452-6176,
Youth Ministry
Purpose: Our parish youth ministry is inspired by Gospel values as proclaimed by Jesus Christ and taught to us in the Catholic Church. We are proud to offer an experience to young people, inspired by the patron saint of the youth St. John Bosco, where kids can feel welcomed, make friends, grow in their understanding of the Catholic faith, and develop their understanding of life and the role they have in it as responsible individuals. Our two-part goal is quite simple: to be good Catholics and honest citizens.
Events and Activities: Regular youth nights featuring games, projects, and faith formation. There are also opportunities for small group discussion, Bible study, field trips, service opportunities, and retreats.
Time Commitment: Middle school and high-school students are invited to join us Wednesdays and Sundays. Wednesday: open gym night in the parish hall from 6-8pm. Sunday: gather at the 5pm Sunday Mass followed by youth activities in the parish hall till 8pm.
Facebook: St.HelenYouthMinistry
Instagram: shvbyouth
Group Me texting group – ask to join!
Adult and young adult volunteers are needed for a variety of different roles and time commitments (mentoring, event set up, etc.). Please contact us to discuss how your time and talents may be used to glorify God through the youth ministry.
Contact: Lupe Garcia, 772-494-9837,