Purpose: To create a culture of religious vocation awareness for children, adolescents and young adults and to help all parishioners recognize, encourage and support potential priestly and religious vocations through prayer, education and apostolic action.
Time Commitment: Committee members meet the second Monday of each month from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the St. Patrick Room of the Christian Learning Center. Additional volunteers are welcome to assist with ministry activities. The time commitment varies according to ministry events.
Prayer Activities:
- Mass for Religious Vocations the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m.
- Recitation of the Divine Chaplet the 1st Monday of each month at 3 p.m. in the Chapel.
- Daily rosary after 7:30 a.m. Mass.
- Holy Hour for Vocations rotating between Holy Cross, St. Helen and St. John of the Cross parishes the 3rd week of each month. Please refer to the Vocation Ministry web page or the parish bulletin for dates and times.
- Traveling Cross Program, St. Helen Catholic School
- Discerning a religious vocation.
- Vocation educational materials.
- Retreats, seminars and other vocation resources.
Apostolic Action:
- Collaborative activities with Faith Formation, St. Helen Catholic School, Youth and Young Adult Groups.
- Celebration of National Vocation Awareness Week.
- St. Helen Altar Servers Appreciation Dinner.
- Vocation-related Activities.
Considering a religious vocation?
If you would like to speak to someone about a potential religious vocation or require guidance, please make an appointment with a priest or deacon by calling the Parish Office at 567-5129 or by contacting Father Daniel Daza-Jaller, Office of Vocations for the Diocese of Palm Beach at 561-775-9552.
Contact: Maxine Gallagher, 772-257-5713, E: trinitymg517@gmail.com

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