Purpose: To pray as we create handmade “Prayer Blankets” to be given to a person with a particular need. It may be during a time of stress, serious illness, medical treatment, bereavement or at any time when comfort and prayer are needed. As each lap blanket is created, its maker is in prayer for the receiver of the blanket. Prayer blankets are available at the Parish Offices. Although the blankets are not sold, a donation to our ministry is gratefully accepted to purchase materials to continue the “ripple effect” of unconditional love.
Responsibilities: Compassionate people who wish to provide a loving gift for someone who is hurting. Ability to trace, cut and / or assemble blankets while praying for the Lord’s love and mercy for the recipient of the blankets.
Contact: Jackie Hunter, 772-567-4175, E: grandmajackiehu@comcast.net or Clare White, 772-567-7064, E: wgeorgeclara@bellsouth.net