Altar Servers
Purpose: Train boys and girls fourth grade and older to assist the priest at Mass and other religious services.
Responsibilities: Dependability, assistance to priests at Mass, reverence in performing duties, respect for people around you.
Time Commitment: Weekend Mass approximately every third week. St. Helen students serve weekday Masses during the school year. Servers attending other schools serve weekday Masses during the summer. New server training is scheduled in the fall.
Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Frank D’Amato
Training & Schedule, Will Heady, 772-567-5129,
ALTAR SERVER VIDEO MONTAGE – Awesome video by Will Heady
September 2023:
The new uniforms for girls are here. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early and check in at the sacristy to receive instructions.
Boys also have a change in uniform. Servers will no longer wear red. This liturgical color will be reserved for priests and deacons on the appropriate occasions such as: Pentecost, Confirmation, the Lord’s Passion, and the feast days of Martyrs.
Both boys and girls who previously wore red, have earned the privilege of wearing a Benedictine Crucifix over their uniform to mark their achievement.
Girls who previously wore the surplice with black embroidered crosses, have earned the privilege of wearing a Miraculous Medal over their uniform to mark their achievement.
Boys who have earned the surplice with black embroidered crosses will continue to wear it.
Thank you for serving!
Altar Society
Purpose: Care for and attend to the altar, sanctuary and sacristy areas.
Responsibilities: Work on teams and care for altar, flowers, sanctuary and sacristy; seasonal decoration.
Time Commitment: Monthly schedule. Saturdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass for approximately one hour.
Contact: Karen Egan at 772-567-5660, E: or Becky Jones at 772-766-0244, E:
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Communion at Mass
Purpose: Jesus calls us to be one with Him through the Eucharist. Through our devotion to Jesus and believing that He is fully present in the Eucharist by participating in this sacred ministry we are called to assist our priests and deacons..
Responsibilities: Serving the Eucharist at our liturgies.
Time Commitment: Serving on teams for daily and Sunday Masses. Training is provided 1-2 times each year.
Contact: Sandra Lackas at 772-532-5230, E:
Homebound, Nursing Home & Hospital
Purpose: Reaching out to parishioners with compassion, kindness and love of the Eucharist.
Responsibilities: Distribution of the Holy Eucharist to parishioners who are confined to their homes, residents of a nursing home or assisted living facility or patients in the hospital. You choose which areas to serve.
Time Commitment: As desired. Training, commissioning and background screening provided.
Contact: Cheryle Mackie at 772-643-5966, E:
Purpose: Lectors assist with the proclamation of the Word of God. These ministers are called to proclaim the readings clearly and effectively to the assembly.
Qualifications: Participants in the Ministry of the Lectors should have the following qualifications:
• Is an initiated and practicing member of the Catholic Church.
• Regularly attends Mass.
• Fully embraces the words and prayers that are offered in Mass.
• Gives positive witness to the Christian life.
• Possesses full knowledge of the Order of the Mass.
• Has the capability to proclaim Sacred Scripture at Mass.
• Is willing to prepare for the readings through prayer, study, and practice.
• Has participated in a Lector training program.
Time Commitment: Serve on a lector team and be assigned to a particular Mass, be available to assist on Holy Days, or to serve as a substitute when called upon.
Contact: Steve Boehning (772) 473-4099,
Purpose: St. Helen Music Ministry provides beauty, joy, comfort and inspiration for our liturgies and festive celebrations through the musical gifts, generosity and commitment of its members.
Responsibilities: Participate in rehearsals and provide music for various liturgical celebrations.
Adult Choir: Serves 8:45 a.m. Sunday Mass and other celebrations. Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 8:15 a.m prior to Mass.
Celebration Choir: This group will provide music for special celebrations in our Church. It is intended to give our Music Ministry some diversity with more challenging choral selections and opportunities to heighten our musical experience at Mass. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays evenings prior to upcoming celebrations as needed.
Children’s Choir: Open to all parish children and will serve the 8:45 a.m. Sunday Mass throughout the school year. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. and on Sundays at 8:15 a.m. prior to Mass.
Contact: Tom Schuster, Music Director at 772-562-5129 E:
Check out our LIVE FROM THE LOFT Christmas Mini Concert
Purpose: Dedication, friendliness and willingness to help others and serve the Lord.
Responsibilities: Welcome, show comfort, assist and serve the priest and those attending Mass.
Time Commitment: Assigned to a specific Mass on a rotating schedule.
Contact: Art Noriega, 772-473-1433, E: