Purpose: Summer camp experience that includes a spirit of faith, family, and fun for children between the ages of 6 and 14 years. We are proud to offer an experience, named after the patron saint of young people, St. John Bosco, where kids can feel welcomed, make friends, and grow in their understanding of the Catholic faith. Don Bosco knew that the most valuable and vulnerable portion of society is its young people. It is our goal to provide a safe environment which will include activities such as sports, dancing, arts and crafts, board games, field trips, swimming, faith formation, Mass, Confession, adoration, Rosary, and much more.
Responsibility: Volunteers/assistants will need to have a love for God, the Catholic Faith and the young, and working with kids in a manner that is creative, collaborative, enthusiastic, and able to evangelize children in the faith. Training and background screening required and provided. See page 13 for “Protecting God’s Children” certification.
Contact: Lupe Alcala-Garcia, Director of Youth Minstry, 772-494-9837, ggarcia@sthelenvero.org