

Purpose: The new environment in which Christian faith formation will operate in the decade will demand new thinking and new models, practices, resources, and technologies to address the spiritual needs of all generations. It is through the Communication Ministry that the church of today will stay engaged in daily life and ministry. Social networking is a vital part of parish life NOW.

Areas Include: Bulletin, Parish Handbook, Parish Newsletter, Parish Website and Face Book.

Contact: Laura Lewis at the Parish Office 567-5129, E:

Bulletin Guideline – Submit, at least 14 days in advance of the publishing date, due by Thursday.

Do you need an announcement to be printed in our Bulletin? Submit your Bulletin announcements via e-mail to (around holidays the deadline may be sooner).

Announcements will not be taken over the phone. We reserve the right to edit and or reformat your flyers and announcements. Please submit announcements and graphics in an editable format. Please do not send text that has been scanned or pdf files. For more information, call Laura at (772) 567-5129. Items submitted from outside the parish will be run on a space available basis after approval by the Pastor.

The Disciple

January 2019 Issue: DISCIPLE / First Quarter 2019

October 2018 Issue: DISCIPLE / Third Quarter 2018

Parish Handbook

Click Here to Download the 2018 / 2019 Parish Handbook

Mission Statement: To discuss a variety of topics, through interviews with persons of many ages and vocations in life, in such a way that the truth upon which the Catholic Church is founded can be brought to bear. We do this in obedience to Matthew 28:19-20, “Go ye therefore unto all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. For behold, I am with you, even unto the end of the age.”