Begins Tuesday, August 13th

Our Palm Beach Diocese offers a series of studies to empower adult Catholics to more deeply experience the genius and beauty of our faith, and to prepare them to serve as Catechists if they wish, in parish programs.

Why should YOU attend these classes? Because….

  • You are alarmed at how our culture is being de-Christianized
  • You weren’t aware that our culture is being de-Christianized
  • You are a faithful Catholic who wants to understand Church teachings
  • You want to grow in your love of Jesus and His bride the Church
  • You want to effectively convey the truth of our Faith to your family
  • You’re just curious.

We offer 4 classes per year.  Classes begin in August, in October, in January, and in March.  This year we will study Christian Spirituality, Pastoral Ministry, Introduction to the Bible, and Old Testament,each with a different Professor.  Each class has an assigned text and readings, along with supplemental materials supplied by the instructor.  Texts are usually $10-$20, registration is $10.  Participants pay registration and purchase textbooks at the first class meeting.  (However, no one will be excluded for lack of funds.  If you have difficulty meeting the cost, please contact the Diocesan Office at 561-775-9544.)

First class this season will be Christian Spirituality, offered here at St. Helen Parish with Professor Alicia Winters, who holds the MA in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville.   Meetings for this class will be on 6 Tuesday nights from 7 to 9 PM, starting August 13th.   Please call the Parish Office at 567-5129 or email to to put your name and email address on the list so that we can have sufficient materials for you!

Our Catholic Faith is beautiful because it’s rich and deep, and knowing this faith better satisfies our souls’ hunger for Beauty, Truth, and Goodness.  You’ll make discoveries, refine ideas, understand more deeply, and fall more in love with Jesus, He is Truth in person!   Give Him a few hours with us on Tuesday evenings.  He will become more your constant companion.  And through you, He can better reach others in your life.

“To do their part, adult Catholics must be mature in faith and well-equipped to share the Gospel, promoting it in every family circle, in every church gathering, in every place of work, and in every public forum.” 

Our Hearts Were Burning Within UsA Pastoral Plan for Adult Faith Formation  in the United States,

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1999